Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chapter One: Why Teach Writing

Summary- The chapter focuses on writing and how effective it is. According to the book, "teaching writing can be enormously rewarding." The book introduces the many ways writing is represented. Writing is a tool that is used worldwide. Writing is represented as an economic power, a social necessity, and a way to solve problems. The book also pointed out the humanistic perspective. Writing is a big tool used for many occasions and the book does a great job of pointing them all out.

Response: Writing is such a major factor today. Not many people write unless they have to. As for me, I love writing because it enhances my vocabulary and my reading skills. The book mentioned how writing is used as an economic power. This I definitely agree with because when filling our an application for a job it shows your knowledge of language. An employer is able to recognize this is if there is misspelled words or improper handwriting. Here in college, papers that are required for classes must have the proper grammar in order for the professor to give the correct grade. According to the book, "If we will examine, together with our students, the kinds of writing required in jobs that interest them, they will discover important work-related reasons to improve their skills.(6) " Writing is a huge factor here at USCA. There is a junior writing-portfolio required of all students prior to graduation to complete. The profolio allows professors to see the growth of each student's writing. While it may seem difficult at times, writing is a good tool to work with.


Kristen A. said...

I certainly agree with the remark about writing being an economic tool. I have heard several times and from several people that an employer will simply disregard a resume' if it contains typos or incorrect grammar. So, even if someone is not, for instance, a journalist, efficient writing is always a must.

Leslie WAlters said...

I agree with what you said about the economic power, but I wasn't really sure that the author did that great of a job detailing exactly how that could work. It is obviously important to understand the basics of grammar (like your example of filling out an application), but in what other ways does he mean this statement? Does anyone else have any ideas?

Tim Costanzo said...

I thought you made some really good point about how writing is a tool. It truely does help you increase your vocabulary, I have never thought about it being used as an economic tool, but you are certainly right. The one criticism I have about your post is that you seemed to start off too many sentences with the word "writing". It may be hard to avoid concidering the chapter was about writing, but it seemed like that word came up a lot! Other than that, it was a very good response with some great points!