Sunday, November 25, 2007

"The Red Pen"

As a third year student here at USCA, I have written numerous papers as a Secondary Education-English major. Focusing on the proper way of writing and organizing so many different ideas has been a growing phrase for me. For all my papers that I have turned in, I have never received a perfect paper, one without any marks. I have always receive papers asking me to review grammar, integrate quotes, be more detailed, or rely more on self rather than sources. With the many comments that I have receive, it helps me to become a better writer.
I appreciate "the red pen." I have not came across a paper where the comments were not useful, every paper with a comment is useful. It helps me as a writer become a much better writer, because it helps me know what I have to work on. I just recently receive two rough drafts back from two different teachers. Both were English classes that I feel very comfortably in. One of the papers was a good draft and the other however now so good. I worried about this because I did equal work on both, I researched both information directly, inserted the information correctly, and added proper citation. I just came to the solution that every teacher graded differently.
Most comments that I come to appreciate are those that I know I need help on such as grammar. My grammar can get a little mixed up if I am not focusing on what I am doing. I always try to tell my professors to look for this particular element. I think being a "country" girl, effects my language which effects my writing. Besides grammar, focusing on how I use my sources is another comment I appreciate if a professor tells me about. Any comments I most in all appreciate, there are highly any that I come across that are unappreciative. A professor is not there to put you down, but to bring you up and teach you the correct way of writing.

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